We specialize in comprehensive evaluations and rehabilitation services that maximize our clients remaining vision. At our state-of-the-art medical facility, we are committed to providing personalized support for individuals whose vision cannot be corrected with standard eyeglasses, contact lenses, medicine, or surgery. Our goal is to help clients live safely and independently.
Low Vision Clinic Services

Our experienced optometrist performs a comprehensive low vision evaluation to assess visual function. Based on the results, we provide personalized recommendations and strategies to enhance the quality of life of our clients.
Our team of highly trained therapists provides personalized treatment plans that cater to the
needs of each of our
clients. We offer a range
of services, including Orientation & Mobility Training (O&M), Occupational Therapy (OT), and Assistive Technology (AT).

Our doctors may suggest low vision devices and daily living aids to assist our clients in performing daily tasks and maintaining their independence. Our therapists are available to provide training and support for all recommended items.

Our organization is dedicated to ensuring clients can access recommended equipment regardless of their ability to pay. We offer several solutions and will connect clients to the appropriate resources for their individual needs.
NOTE: Although our low vision evaluations are for people of all ages, our rehabilitation services (including rehabilitation training, aids & devices, technology room, and resource assistance) focus on adults ages 18+.
Bucks County Association for the Blind
and Visually Impaired (BCABVI)
400 Freedom Drive
Newtown, PA 18940
Main Number: 215.968.9400
Low Vision Clinic: 215.968.1035