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2 handheld magnifiers magnifying text from book & magazine
2 handheld video magnifiers magnifying text from book & magazine

Lending Library

Low Vision equipment is not covered by traditional health insurance. We believe everyone should have access to recommended equipment regardless of their ability to pay.


Our loaner program offers patients the option to borrow Low Vision devices from our Technology Room. Loans typically last 30-90 days, giving our clients ample time to try out the device before making a purchase.



Can't afford your prescription eyeglasses? We may be able to help.

Our community partners offer programs that provide basic and specialized glasses at no/low cost for people who meet the eligibility requirements.

​We are dedicated to assisting our clients in accessing the resources they need, including those provided by Eyes For The Needy and local Lions Clubs. 



400 Freedom Drive
Newtown, PA 18940

Main Number: 215.968.9400

Low Vision Clinic: 215.968.1035

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Bucks County Association for the Blind
and Visually Impaired (BCABVI)


Device that reads print
Contact us today!  215.968.9400
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